You might have a rodent problem

rodent problem

If you find mouse poop in your home, you might have a rodent problem.  For some, it is the noises in the wall or above the ceiling. Holes in walls and gaps under doors are sure signs of an opportunity to invite such a problem. A mouse can squeeze into an area the size of a pencil eraser so their point of entry might not always be easily apparent. If you see one mouse, you probably have more because mice tend to live in groups.

Rodent activity picks up during this time of the year as they seek dry, warm shelter to nest in. For those that needed help from Nottingham Pest Control recently, we found the access points and made repair proposals to the roof, foundation, attic, and garage areas. After four weeks of trapping and exclusion, the problems are typically solved.

If you would like to get a jump start on having your home or business sealed/protected from rodents, email us today.